When choosing the right hitch, what are some things that you need to look for?
factors to consider:
When we choose the hitch we currently have, there were several factors that had to be taken into account such as:
- weight of the trailer,
- hitch weight,
- length of the trailer, and
- kind of truck used to pull the trailer.
Looking at trailer weight
our trailer is 16,026 pounds dry, meaning there is no water in the tanks and nothing in the garage. The garage can hold another 3,974 pounds of cargo.
On top of all that weight, you should consider everything you need to have to live in the trailer. (all the clothes, food, any added furniture, etc.) it all adds up quickly so you have to make sure the hitch you are buying can handle the weight of the trailer.
total trailer weight
all together the trailer can weigh over 20,000 pounds, so picking out the right hitch is a big deal. (you don’t want to be driving down the road and end up with a trailer inside the cab of the truck with you) choosing the right hitch will give you security and make your travels less stressful.
Hitch Weight | what it is & why it matters
The hitch weight is the amount of weight that is carried on the hitch itself. This is important because we need to know how much weight will be carried on the back of the truck. Why? well…because the truck tires, shocks, and springs will be seeing this extra weight while driving down the road and that causes more wear and tear on them.
The hitch will need to be mounted securely to the back of the truck so the truck and hitch work together as one unit. If the hitch is loose or cannot handle the weight, the whole assembly is not working together as one unit and problems can occur. Things like the trailer disconnecting from the hitch or the truck tires blowing out are issues that can happen when you don’t choose the correct hitch.
do you have a long trailer?
The length of the trailer is also something to take into consideration. Because we decided to go with such a long trailer, (almost 45′) we needed to make sure that the hitch height could be adjusted.
setting up the hitch
When setting up the hitch and attaching the trailer to the truck, you should check that the trailer is level while in transit and there’s enough clearance between the bed of the truck and the nose of the trailer.
we bought the B&W Companion hitch because it can be adjusted to raise and lower the head of the hitch making sure that the trailer is level and that there is enough clearance.
pinch points
The length of trailer also makes a difference when needing to adjust the hitch. You need to make sure that the trailer and truck bed will not pinch each other when pulling into parking lots or RV parks. If there is not enough clearance or if the pitch of the driveway is steep, the truck and trailer can pinch which would result in damage to the truck, trailer, or both.
Selecting a hitch depending on the kind of truck you have
long bed and truck modifications
We have a Ford F-350 long bed SRW that we use to tow our trailer with. We also have modifications done to the truck that made it more challenging to get the truck and trailer set up for the best towing experience. see our truck here.
our truck has a 6″ lift and 37″ tires. A hitch with a fixed height would not work since we needed to get the correct ride height making the clearance on the truck correct and also having the trailer level when connected.
best hitch for long bed trucks
After looking at several brands and models of hitches, B&W met all of our needs. The B&W companion hitch that was made for the Ford puck system is a great choice for our set up and any like it. This hitch has a 25,000 pound capacity and the ability to be adjusted up and down.
One thing to consider…do you take the hitch out of the truck often? we don’t, so the weight of the hitch really didn’t matter. With that being said, the companion hitch breaks down into two separate pieces making it significantly easier to remove when needed.
The puck assembly for Ford makes it quick and easy to attach and remove the base. There are four handles you twist and lock into place when installing the hitch and then the head is set onto the base and is held with two pins.

sliding hitches | short beds
if you have a long bed truck, you probably don’t have to worry about a sliding hitch. A sliding hitch allows the hitch assembly to slide back in the bed of the truck allowing for more space between the cab and trailer when backing.
When backing in or pulling out of a trailer spot, often times the sliding hitch will need to be slid to allow for more room. Then before driving down the road the hitch will need to be slid forward again making the hitch directly over the rear axel for more stability.
in conclusion
Depending on the truck, the hitch weight of the trailer, and the weight and length of the trailer there are several kinds of hitches that could be used and that’s why choosing the right hitch matters.
Why we chose the B&W hitch:
- changes the height of the hitch to fit the ride height of the truck
- the trailer would be level when hooked up to the truck, providing the best ride while traveling down the road
- weight rating of 25,000 pounds, giving extra security while towing a very heavy trailer